4th Grade

Curriculum At A Glance 


The student…

  • Predicts using prior knowledge, captions and headings
  • uses strategies to determine meaning and increase vocabulary (ex., multiple meaning words, antonyms, root words)
  • develops vocabulary, monitors reading on or above grade level by rereading, self-correcting, summarizing & questioning
  • identifies main idea, details, makes inferences and identifies the sequence of events, author’s purpose, examples of fact, fiction or opinion, and recognizes and understands comparison and contrast, cause/effect & sequence of events


The student…

  • scores 3.5 or above on the Florida Writes exam
  • writes using the writing process and the six writing traits of ideas, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, voice, and conventions.


The student…

  • uses number sense to masters all basic facts, read, write, compare, and identify whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers and decimals to the hundredths
  • locates numbers on the number line, and identifies equivalent and non-equivalent forms of numbers
  • uses estimation to solve problems and determines the operations needed to solve one-step and two-step problems
  • knows factors and multiples of numbers to 100
  • uses measurement to measure length, area, volume and perimeter
  • knows time intervals and common angle measures, and uses schedules, calendars and elapsed time to solve problems
  • compares length, weight and capacity using standard and non standard units
  • solves problems with estimated length, width, time, temperature and money
  • estimates the area and perimeter of a polygon and the volume of a rectangular prism
  • uses geometry and spatial sense to describe the attributes of two-dimensional and three-dimensional figures
  • performs flips, slides, 90 and 180 degree turns and tessellations
  • knows how area and perimeter are affected when geometric figures are combined
  • knows how to identify, locate and plot ordered pairs of whole numbers
  • uses algebraic thinking to describe and creates numerical and geometric patterns, and analyzes number patterns
  • solves problems with equations or inequalities using models or graphs
  • uses data analysis and probability to choose a title, labels and interprets information on a graph
  • interprets and completes circle graphs using common fractions
  • identifies the mean, median, mode and range
  • records the possible outcomes of an experiment using common fractions
  • determines the statistical measures for data and explains the results

Social Studies

The student…

  • studies Florida History from pre-historic times to the present.


The student…

  • investigates several science units using scientific observations and skills.
  • explores different science topics including life science, earth science, physical science, and space & technology.

Ideas for Helping Your Child at Home

Language Arts

  • Encourage your child to read from many sources including magazines, newspapers, non-fiction and fiction books.
  • Provide experiences in writing such as family journals, diaries and learning logs.


  • Help your child figure the amount of change when shopping. Teach him/her how to count back money.
  • Allow your child to survey the family (ex., favorite foods, color or car) and make a bar, line or picture graph.
  • Practice basic multiplication and division facts ON A DAILY BASIS using flash cards or practice problems.
  • Identify, label and discuss all the geometric shapes found inside and outside your home.
  • Have your child assist with recipes and preparing meals.